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Now There’s a Breakthrough Anti-Adhesive Formula That Flush Bad Bacteria Out Of Your Urinary Tract & Reduce Your Risk of Recurring UTIs.

Introducing UriAlive

Patented PreForPro®, DE111™ Probiotics and Pacran® That Can Heal Your Urinary Tract & Maintain Good Bacteria Balance.

  146 Reviews

Hear How Other Customers Ease Their UTI Symptoms And Bladder Discomfort With UriAlive

“I’ve repurchased this already and I love ‘em that I totally recommend this to my friends.”

Texas, USA

“I will continue to take this product and look forward to all knowing benefits from it.”

Fresno, California

“Even though I don’t have a UTI now, I would like to continue to use this product for prevention.”
Chicago, Illinois

“Gut Alive is the only product that is helping me heal my gut from the inside out.”

Miami, Florida

How It Works

The Problem With Antibiotics

In the past, antibiotics seemed to be a good remedy for UTI. Most people have taken a few courses of antibiotics, and they may be prescribed with stronger antibiotics over time for UTIs.

But many of the antibiotics that used to work in the past don’t seem to work now. Over the past few decades, the likelihood that these antibiotics will kill most of the bad bacteria in the UTIs is dropping rapidly.

It’s even reported in a New York Times article that one in three uncomplicated UTIs in young healthy women are resistant to one brand of antibiotics and one in five are resistant to five other common antibiotics.

How Is It That We Are Losing The Antibiotic War With Bacteria When It Comes To UTI?

That’s because the bad bacteria have evolved and are becoming more resistant to antibiotics, making them harder to kill.

In a recent study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry in June 2015, Jeffrey P. Henderson​, MD, PhD, assistant professor of Medicine and Molecular Microbiology at Washington University in St. Louis, said

Many physicians can tell you that they see patients who are particularly susceptible to urinary tract infections. For a long time, we had inexpensive antibiotics that worked really well for this. But over the last 10-15 years, we have seen a huge jump in bacterial infections of UTI that are resistant to many of these drugs.”

Jeffrey P. Henderson, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
and Molecular Microbiology

Antibiotics can’t kill every single organism in an infection...

Those bacteria that survive or lay in dormant mode evolve into defense mechanisms against the drugs we use to treat them…

Because bacteria multiply so quickly, they are able to evolve with astonishing speed and within days, there can be a new strain of bacteria that are resistant to the antibiotics…

How Antibiotic Resistance Happens

Imagine going through dozens of courses of antibiotics…

Not only will your urinary tract get more inflamed…

It is only a matter of time before the new generation of emerging superbugs in your body become immune to any known antibiotic therapy.

Is There A Better Way To Heal Your Urinary Tract?

For most cases, the bacteria that causes UTI is Escherichia .coli, or E.coli for short…

What’s so scary about E.coli is that it has tiny protein hooks on their tips, known as FimH, to grapple or stick tightly to the urinary mucosa….

Whenever the FimH is pulled by the force of urine flowing past, the protein responds by gripping tightly to the sugar molecules that coat the surface of human cells.

And this makes it harder for E.coli to be flushed out.

When you stop urinating and the force disappears, the protein releases its grip, and the bacteria carry on moving onwards and upwards…

Usually advancing up to the bladder, where the stable temperature and pH provide the ideal environment for the E.coli to proliferate and multiply.

As you can see, the main problem with UTI is the sticky FimH protein hooks of the E. Coli bacteria, which allow them to climb up the walls of your urinary tract...

And once they reproduce and gather in strength to form biofilm clusters, it’s much harder to obliterate them completely.

A much better and easier way to heal your UTI is to inhibit the ‘sticky’ function of these protein hooks so that it STOPS the bacteria from sticking onto the urinary tract and flushes them out of your urinary tract.

If the bacteria loses its ability to adhere or bind to the urinary tract lining, they will be eliminated simply by the flow of urine, long before they can set up an infection.

So How Can We Easily Flush The Bacteria Out?

I know you’ve probably heard of the benefits of cranberries to treat urinary tract infections..

Hiding inside the red berry is a powerful anti-inflammatory antioxidant called A-type proanthocyanidins (A-type PAC).

However, not all cranberries are the same.

But before I reveal one of the most powerful cranberry extracts in the world today and all the miracles it is producing…

…we need to get a clear idea of what happens exactly inside our urinary tract with A-type PAC.
A-type PAC inhibits the FimH protein hooks of the bad bacteria and at the same time, they change the actual shape and structure of the bacteria so that the bacteria loses most of its adhesiveness.

Multiple laboratory studies have demonstrated in detail just how effective A-type PACs are at reducing bacterial stickiness.

One study found that the A-type PACs from whole cranberries decreased the number of bacteria sticking to the lining of the urinary tract from 6.9 to just 1.6 organisms per cell.

That’s not all, A-type PACs also impair E. coli’s swimming ability, slowing down the aggressive movement of the bacteria...

This increases the chances of eliminating the nasty organisms from the urinary tract before they can cause an infection in the bladder.

On top of that, it prevents the formation of biofilm clusters that shield them from white blood cells or even antibiotics...

Yet, before you rush out and buy cranberries, you need to be aware of a couple of things…

Firstly, if you are drinking sweetened cranberry juice...

The added sugar (which is a lot to mask the acidic taste), feeds the E.coli or other bad bacteria by helping them to build large protective biofilm structures.

This causes the E.coli to grip even tighter to the lining walls!

What about pure unsweetened cranberry juice?

Putting the tart and sour taste of pure unsweetened cranberry juice aside,

The problem with cranberry juice is that the pulp, the fiber, and some of the nutrients are destroyed…

During this manufacturing process, it loses the rest of the cranberry matrices like phenolics, anthocyanins, flavonoids, and triterpenoid antioxidants.

But most importantly…

A-type PAC and the other key cranberry components are poorly absorbed by your body.

At least 90% are destroyed by the stomach acid in your gut.

So by the time the Proanthocyanidins reach your small intestines for absorption, only 5 to 10% of the original amount are left.

The Good News... French Scientists Have Discovered A Way To Get Around This Problem

They found a way to extract North America’s cranberries in such a way that the whole cranberry fruit, the juice, the flesh, the skins, and the seeds are intact.

And provide the full spectrum of cranberry with a standardized level of bio-active proanthocyanidins as well as other key cranberry components such as phenolics, organic acids, fibers, fatty acids, and proteins.

How Pacran®'s Anti-Adhesion Mechanism Works

Due to the patented extraction method of Pacran®, its active compounds can inhibit the protein hooks of E. Coli bacteria, as shown in the diagram.

UriAlive Contains Pacran, PreForPro, and DE111 That Are Clinically Tested For Supporting Urinary Tract Health

As you can see from the chart, Pacran® demonstrates long-lasting bacterial anti-adhesion activity.

Normal cranberry extract loses its effectiveness after 10 hours. But according to a double-blinded, placebo-controlled study (which is the gold standard of clinical studies), Pacran® continues to demonstrate an increased anti-adhesion activity even after 24 hours!

This means that it helps prevent bacteria from sticking onto your urinary tract even after a day of consuming Pacran®.

In another double blind controlled clinical study published in the journal Current Bioactive Compounds in 2011,

After 90 days, the group that took 500mg per day of Pacran® reported a 36% reduction of urinary E.coli infection,

But the group that didn’t take Pacran® instead experienced a 25% increase in urinary E.coli infections. Pacran® ensures that you get to harness the power of the whole cranberry to effectively protect your urinary system!

Besides Pacran®, UriAlive also contains DE111™, which is developed by Deerland Enzymes through a partnership with Cornell University and was fully sequenced for safety.

DE111™ is a patented and highly effective strain of Bacillus subtilis, a very stable probiotic spore that is clinically proven to support the normal proliferation of beneficial bacteria and crowds out the bad E.coli bacteria.

This, in turn, helps support healthy immune system function.

In a study, DE111™ was shown to decrease the levels of E.coli, while those who were administered with the placebo actually demonstrated an increase in the levels of E.coli!

Unlike other probiotic strains, DE111™ still shows its maximum effectiveness under a wide temperature range, so it doesn’t require refrigeration.

From this chart, you can see DE111™ experience virtually no loss in their colony forming units (CFUs) over 24 months, when stored at room temperature.

Therefore, with the recommended 5 Billion CFU per serving, we can effectively reduce the recurrence of urinary tract infections.

Thirdly, we went even further with the addition of one of the most powerful probiotic support nutrients of all time, PreforPro®.

PreforPro® is a revolutionary new prebiotic that starts working to support gut health in HOURS, not weeks, like the probiotics formulas of yesterday. PreforPro® uses a patent-pending, non-fiber delivery system that has been shown to be effective in as little as 15 MILLIGRAMS, not grams.

One of the major advantages of using PreforPro® is its ability to help good bacteria flourish in such a competitive environment by working hand in hand with the DE111™.

PreforPro® has been shown to increase the population of the probiotics by over 11-fold just within 5 hours.

In just 48 hours, the probiotic receiving PreforPro® grew to 7 million CFUs! That’s 467% better than inulin fiber, the prebiotic that most manufacturers use to increase the quantity of probiotics.

That’s not all…

PreforPro® has been shown to exponentially increase the population of the DE111™ probiotic from 5 billion CFU to 55 billion CFU in just 5 hours!

That’s 11 times more good bacteria to force out the E.coli bacteria from your urinary tract.

This is, bar none, the most effective urinary tract support supplement on the market to date. And we’ve just shown you why.

Boost Your Urinary Tract Health With Just 2 Capsules of UriAlive Daily With a Meal

UriAlive Is Produced With The Highest Quality & Safety In Mind

Third Party Test Results

Real, Verified Results: See What People Worldwide Love About UriAlive

* Disclaimer: Holistic Labs Limited is not a medical organization. Do not consider any information displayed through this website as medical advice or diagnosis. Also, please note that results from using our program are not typical and may vary between individuals due to differences in individual exercise history, genetics, age, sex, personal motivation, and other factors.
In the last four years or so I'd say I get a UTI about 4 to 8 times a year, it was always a really bad experience and I dreaded having to wait forever at the clinic and it's often a really inconvenient times. I kept going back for more antibiotics which I hated because they're harsh and we all know that they lead to yeast infections usually.

So I ended up moving to this foreign country last year where I wasn't sure how accessible english speaking doctors were gonna be, make me nervous. And I had previously tried just pure cranberry juice to no avail. So I looked up what to do for the best prevention and I found the UriAlive UTI video and I'm not exaggerating I haven't had single UTI for a solid year since having the UriAlive around.

Anytime I was doing anything that I knew might trigger a UTI I would just be sure to take before and after, and I have not had any symptoms of any infection at all since then. I've repurchased this already and I love 'em that I totally recommend this to my friends. They are a combination of cranberries, prebiotics and probiotics, I feel like is a really easy preventative supplement. Thank you
Houston, Texas
Verified Buyer

Hello, my name is Shanda and I am doing a review of the UriAlive product from Holistic Health Labs. About 3 years ago, I had surgery and since that surgery, I’ve dealt with UTI’s. For about 3 years, I was on antibiotics off and on. The first 6 months of last year, I was on a low dose antibiotic every day in order to keep the UTI’s under control and [I’m] still having symptoms and of course, antibiotics destroy so much good bacteria in your body. So I was having other issues because of the antibiotics.

When I ran across this product, I was really desperate to find something natural to keep my body balance. I found this and this has been a lifesaver for me. I’ve been taking it now for about 7 months and I’m about to order another 6 month supply. I take 2 a day and I have not had one UTI nor have I taken any antibiotics in the last 7 months. Praise God! I really recommend it and I know that you’re dealing with it, I understand it’s very painful and you know, it’s an inconvenience.

It’s something that nobody wants to deal with and as women, it’s something that we deal with on a regular basis or some people deal with on a regular basis. So if you’re dealing with that, I recommend that you try this. It would definitely help and it’s been a lifesaver for me. Thank you for Holistic Health Labs that’s taking the time and the resource to invest in creating a product that helps us to be healthy without taking medications that are damaging our body. Thank you for that and I recommend that you try it!
San Francisco, California
Verified Buyer

My name is Betty, I have battled bladder infections for the last 20 years, I have seen specialists, I have been on antibiotics to get rid of the bladder infections and I start having trouble with my tendons, so I got online to see if there was some way I could get rid of my bladder infections without having me taking antibiotics.

I read about UriAlive and I decided to give it a try. I started taking it in December of '19 and I have been on it ever since. I have had recurrences but I just increase UriAlive and it goes away, I strongly recommend if you're battling problems with UTI's, bladder infections, to give it a try and see if it might be an answer for you.
Seattle, Washington
Verified Buyer
I’ve been taking UriAlive for about 3 weeks now and it had no further episodes of my UTI. I also noticed that at my incontinence issue has diminished. So I will continue to take this product and look forward to all knowing benefits from it.
Fresno, California
Verified Buyer
I was stuck in a terrible cycle of recurrent UTIs. I hate having them and I hate always going to the doctor and getting the same antibiotics to treat them. After my last one which came back a week after I finished my antibiotics, I ordered UriAlive and decided to give it a try. I wasn’t very hopeful as the previous antibiotics did nothing to help me. Well, I am happy to say that after 2 weeks of taking UriAlive every day, my symptoms are GONE. No more frequency, burning pee sensation or malaise. I am officially clear of UTI! I must say that the first 3 days after I started the UriAlive… I drank a lot of water to flush out the bad bacteria and didn’t fight urges to go. This really worked for me and I would recommend it to anyone who has UTI Problems.
Chicago, Illinois
Verified Buyer
I’m very susceptible to urinary tract infections. After previous UTIs which were particularly painful… I used to be on daily antibiotics as a preventative following intimacy with my husband to avoid getting a UTI. But after a couple of years of these drugs I’ve built up a resistance to these antibiotics and have been having more frequent infections again. My friend told me about UriAlive and wanted to see if it would help me. I’ve been using UriAlive for less than a week and haven’t had a UTI since! I could also already see a difference in my urination. Another benefit I noticed right away is a lot less bloating, which is a very welcome relief. Even though I don’t have a UTI now, I would like to continue to use this product for prevention. Thanks for a great product!
Miami, Florida
Verified Buyer
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Here at Holistic Health Labs, we make sure that our customers are satisfied with our product or we will refund them. We're so confident that you'll enjoy UriAlive that we are willing to bear all the risks.

Experience The Difference Today

Each bottle contains a 30-day supply (60 capsules). Simply take 2 capsules daily, ideally with a meal.

Still Deciding? Read The Frequently Asked Questions Customers Had Asked Before Ordering UriAlive

Everyone’s body is unique, so individual results may vary. While some customers started experiencing relief in as early as 2 weeks, it can take up to 4 to 8 weeks for the urinary tract to be fully healed and repaired.

This is why we recommend trying UriAlive for at least 30 days in order to enjoy the benefits.

However, within just the first few consumptions, most customers tend to experience:
✔ Clearing of cloudy urine
✔ Lesser discomfort when peeing
✔ Lower risk of recurrent UTI
✔ Less bloating and gas

Simply take 2 capsules daily with a meal.

Yes, absolutely, and that is what is recommended.

When you take UriAlive for the long term, it helps to improve your urinary tract and digestive health.

If you are suffering from any kind of digestive issues, UriAlive can also help balance the healthy bacteria in your gut.

UriAlive is not known to have any major side effects.

UriAlive is made with patented ingredients from their respective suppliers. They use high quality, natural ingredients and have been tested safe for consumption.

UriAlive is also formulated without any binders and fillers, which makes it ideal for long-term consumption.

Because of its high potency, some customers may occasionally experience mild bloating at the start. This is normal and it usually goes away after a few days as your body is adjusting.

But if you experience adverse effects, please stop consumption and consult a doctor. If you are on medication or if you are suffering from any health conditions, we recommend informing your doctor about your interest in consuming our supplements.

In general, you should follow the recommended dosage of 2 capsules a day. Many customers following this dosage have provided feedback that they are experiencing improved gut health especially when UriAlive is taken long term.

UriAlive is manufactured in a GMP-certified, FDA-registered factory located in Georgia, USA. We employ high standards through strict tests and inspections at all stages of production. This ensures that our customers receive only top quality products.

From initial preparations, we partner with reputable suppliers to secure high quality raw ingredients. When our raw ingredients arrive, we do another round of testing on the ingredients for their purity and identity.

This ensures that UriAlive adheres to strict US standards and compliance requirements.

We will ship your order directly to your home or office using USPS priority mail if you are based in the United States, and you will have it within 3 to 6 business days.

We have both the ONE Time Purchase and the subscription package. If you choose the ONE Time purchase, you won’t be charged in the subsequent months. There will not be any automatic recurring billing. You will only get shipped what you order today and nothing more.

It is only when you choose the subscription package, then we will automatically ship out the products to you. You can cancel anytime by email ([email protected]), call (+1 312 324 0024), or live chat with our customer support team.

All prices shown are in United States Dollar (USD), but you can purchase outside the US as we also ship worldwide.

If you're using non-US currencies, the conversion will be done by your bank or payment provider and they will advise in your currency.

Absolutely. We use a 256-bit secure ordering server so you are protected the same as if you were ordering from or any other trusted websites.

We are unable to guarantee today’s pricing beyond today. Once we get enough testimonials and reviews, we will most likely increase the price.

UriAlive was created to work. If, for any reason at all, you are unsatisfied with your UriAlive purchase, just let us know and we will refund even empty bottles without question. You’re always protected by our industry best 30-day Money Back Guarantee.