Our mission is to develop
The most effective solution to provide
the necessary nutrients to fight off
the E.coli bacteria that’s
causing the recurrent UTIs.

One that would quickly and effectively supply the 3 patented ingredients, Pacran®, DE111™, and PreforPro®,

To protect your bladder, your urinary tract, your urethra and your kidneys from the bacteria infections.

Here’s what some of our customers
have to say after taking UriAlive.
Now, keep in mind, these are folks who have
experienced great results after taking UriAlive, and
they have taken many different antibiotics and drugs
without getting better, so they know what’s out there.

Here’s Danielle…

"I've repurchased this already and
I love 'em that I totally recommend this to my friends"
I was stuck in a terrible cycle of recurrent UTIs. I hate having them and I hate always going to the doctor and getting the same antibiotics to treat them.

After my last one which came back
after a week I finished Bactrim, I ordered UriAlive and decided to give it a try. I wasn’t very hopeful as the previous antibiotics did nothing to help me.

Well, I am happy to say that after 2 weeks of taking UriAlive every day, my symptoms are GONE. No more frequency, burning pee sensation or malaise.

I am officially clear of UTI! I must say the that first 3 days after I started the UriAlive, I drank a lot of water to flush out the bad bacteria and didn’t fight urges to go.

Texas, USA

Here’s Phyllis…

"I will continue to take this product and look forward to all knowing benefits
from it"

I’ve been taking Uri Alive for about 3 weeks now and it had no further episodes of my UTI. I also noticed that at my incontinence issue has diminished. So I will continue to take this product and look forward to all knowing benefits from it.

California, USA

Here’s Sharon…

"This really worked for me and I would recommend it to anyon
Chicago, Illinois
who has UTI Problems."

I was stuck in a terrible cycle of recurrent UTIs. I hate having them and I hate always going to the doctor and getting the same antibiotics to treat them.

After my last one which came back
after a week I finished Bactrim, I ordered UriAlive and decided to give it a try. I wasn’t very hopeful as the previous antibiotics did nothing to help me.

Well, I am happy to say that after 2 weeks of taking UriAlive every day, my symptoms are GONE. No more frequency, burning pee sensation or malaise.

I am officially clear of UTI! I must say the that first 3 days after I started the UriAlive, I drank a lot of water to flush out the bad bacteria and didn’t fight urges to go.

Here’s Danielle…

This product keeps me on track and
I don’t have to take 3 different
(35 years old.)
Orlando, Florida
supplements to do it!

I’m only 35 and have been dealing with chronic UTIs and bladder infections for as long as I could remember, so urinary health is on my radar.

I have been tested for many different things and nothing seems to be wrong. My doctor always prescribes antibiotics and I end up with a yeast infection and then the UTI returns.

Since starting UriAlive, I have not only been UTI free, but

I have not taken a single antibiotic. I have not changed anything else in my life, this is 100% from UriAlive.

Here’s Susan…

Even though I don’t have a UTI now,
Chicago, Illanois
I would like to continue to use this product for prevention. Thanks for a great product!

I’m very susceptible to urinary tract infections. After previous UTIs which were particularly painful, I used to be on daily antibiotics as a preventative following intimacy with my husband to avoid getting a UTI.

But after a couple of years of these drugs I’ve built up a resistance to these antibiotics and have been having more frequent infections again.

My friend told me about UriAlive and wanted to see if it would help me. I’ve been using UriAlive for less than a week and haven’t had a UTI since!

I could also already see a difference in my urination. Another benefit I noticed right away is a lot less bloating, which is a very welcome relief.

Isn't That Amazing?

It's crazy to think that ten years ago even most doctors had no idea what these urinary tract-saving nutrients were or how powerful they were.

UriAlive and the results speak for themselves.

We receive letters like this every single day from people who have had their urinary health improved by these simple but powerful nutrients.

Now, I’m sure you can see why we will be pricing UriAlive at the higher end of the market.

The patented Pacran®, DE111™ and PreforPro® require a high investment to maintain this standard of quality.

But we were concerned about how many people would NOT be able to afford UriAlive if we priced it at a premium.

We want everyone to start

And that if everyone just started taking it, not only will they protect their bladder and urethra from bad bacteria colonization,

their entire urinary system will be able to receive the proper urinary tract supporting nutrients that keep the urinary tract in tip-top shape and prevent bacteria like E.coli from clinging onto the walls of your urinary tract.

More importantly, they don’t have to live with the risk of a non-functional bladder that prompts them with persistent urges to ‘go’, feel as though someone is pouring acid down the urinary tract, or suffer from horrible bladder spasms.

So we got with our marketing department and came
up with a possible solution.

Instead of putting it in stores, we decided to go
a different route.

We decided to deliver directly to you, the consumer, and
cut out the middle man.

It’s the only way we can maintain our stringent quality
standards and get you the best urinary tract
support formula at a price that’s affordable.

That is why we are very excited to be able to offer UriAlive
at just $69.95 for a one month supply.

That’s right, each bottle lasts for an entire month.
You can take more, if you want. And you can take less if you
want. It is completely safe.

Imagine what it’s like to jump out
of bed in the morning pain-free?

Imagine able to enjoy doing your favourite activity, without having the persistent urge to pee.

Imagine not feeling like tyou have to go but then hardly anything comes out.

Imagine no more lingering discomfort in your vaginal or pelvic area…

Imagine getting your well deserved rest at night when you no longer have to run to the bathroom
every 45 minutes or 12 times each night…

For the first time, in a long time, you will be able to pee
with ease and comfort, and WITHout the need
for any drugs and antibiotics.

For most of the clients we’ve worked with, we saw that
$69.95 a bottle replace over $500 in
UTI medications.
Our Risk-free Guarantee

Just fill in your shipping and payment information, and
we'll rush UriAlive to your door.

We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction that's why
UriAlive comes with a 30-day, no questions asked full
money back guarantee.

If after taking one bottle of UriAlive, you don't see dramatic
results for your urinary tract infection,
simply send back the unused portion for a fast and
full refund.

We feel you should give it at least one month to allow UriAlive to work its magic,
as some have more repair that is needed than others.

Feel free to use the entire bottle if you want.

If you're not satisfied, you can even send us back the empty bottle and we'll still give you a full no
questions asked refund.
We are that confident You Will
Experience Life-Changing Results.

OH, and before i go, I feel it’s important to tell you one more thing.

It’s important that we talk about the cost of NOT addressing the root cause of your
urinary tract infection because this is not a problem that fixes itself.

If you’re suffering from a UTI or have been battling with recurrent UTIs for the past couple of years,

And if the situation has gotten out of control, there are only a few options that you are left
with to get the bad bacteria flushed out of your urinary system.

Option #1
You can look for your doctor and
continue taking antibiotics. It may
work for a while before your UTI
returns with a vengeance. And
risk having stronger and highly
resilient E coli bacteria destroying
your Urinary Tract, causing more
pain, discomfort and even serious
urinary incontinence.
Option #2
You can go ahead and grab some
cranberry juice from your grocery
store. It’s readily available. And it
may even ease your pain a little
(If you take it consistently for a
few months). The health benefits
of cranberries are well-known.
Option #3
You can seize this opportunity right
now to get your first bottle of
UriAlive at a crazy, low price…
banish the infection in your
urinary tract and dramatically
improve your health with this
special potent formula.
Look. Put everything I to the test.
The research is clear. The clinical tests are conclusive. And the real user testimonials are astonishing.

Yet there’s only one final piece of proof you need…

You gotta try this for yourself!

Guaranteed, you’re going to be over the moon with the results.

And if, in the highly unlikely event, you’re NOT impressed, you have a FULL 30-Days to decide.

A lifetime of vibrant health awaits you.

You’ll join hundreds of Success
Stories, like these...

I was diagnosed with a UTI 3 months ago and finished my antibiotics
in 5 days. I was thrilled because I went about 5 days without the
excruciating pain I’d been experiencing. But as soon as I stopped the
antibiotics, my pain came back. Then I was back on round 2
of antibiotics. But they did nothing to help with my UTI.
Since taking the UriAlive for 3 months I have not had a single UTI.
I’m on my third bottle now. Constance

I’m 48 years old and I tried UriAlive for my bacterial infection in the
lady parts. I have seen so many doctors and have had so many tests
done and nothing is apparent, but I still suffer from symptoms like
flank pain and back pain. The antibiotics prescribed gave me an
allergic reaction. After using an entire bottle of UriAlive, I find that
I don’t pee with pain anymore. I can even get a solid night’s sleep
without rushing to the bathroom. I have never really been excited
about supplements until now. Joanne

UriAlive is an excellent urinary-tract flusher! 2 months ago I had
terrible bladder pain, so I immediately took 2 capsules and it instantly
opened up my urinary tract and relieved my pain. You would need to
drink an awful lot of cranberry juice to get the same amount of
nutrients as taking just 2 of these capsules and the juice doesn’t
contain the probiotics and prebiotics as well. I continue to take 2
capsules a day to keep my system flowing and healthy. Raymond
If you, or someone you care about, is currently suffering from a single one of these
torturous symptoms of getting up every five minutes to push out the tiniest,
most painful drop of urine, bladder pain, or had to run to the bathroom at least
four times an hour… then you are one of the 8 million Americans
who visit the doctor for UTI yearly.

Unless you are willing to get to the root cause of UTI,
You will average at least 4 to 5 UTIs a year as your body
loses its ability to defend itself against the bad bacteria.

Think of it this way.

The only time we get struck with UTI or Interstitial
Cystitis over and over again…

Is when the superbugs have evolved in response
to all the antibiotics people are ingesting.

Because of the constant and massive exposure to
antibiotics in our food supply, these superbugs
are strains of bacteria that have become
IMMUNE to every antibiotic we know of.

Unless you are willing to live with pain
and embarrassment, your UTI will
only get worse as your bladder
becomes more inflamed and your
body loses its ability to
defend itself.
The Scariest Part is
that with these UTI problems,
the damage doesn’t happen overnight and
with people possibly dying from them…

when something so simple can be done everyday
to prevent it, it’s vital that you get
this handled now before it’s too late.

Fortunately, there’s an easy way to fight back
against the harmful bacteria that are lying
in stealth mode inside your urinary tract.
Simply Take UriAlive Daily.
Within just a few days you'll feel exciting changes in your life.

You’ll no longer have to miss many events, work and life
experiences because of UTI or fear that the UTI attack
will suddenly return with a vengeance.

You no longer have to spend so much time in medical
facilities while traveling on vacation, avoid situations
where there’s little access to a bathroom, or spend
a horrific 8 hour flight across the pacific with an infection.

Don’t be surprised if you end up not needing to be poked,
scoped and prodded by the doctors or urologist.

It’s common for people to be free from UTI symptoms
that they’ve gotten so used to that they only notice it
when it’s gone.

I can't tell you exactly when it will happen.

It may be a few days, or it could take a few weeks, but it certainly will happen.
It's something I call
“The Magic Moment.”
The magic moment is when you wake up one day and realize
that something is different.

You are able to urinate with volume. You no longer experience
acute, frequent pain or have to be glued to a toilet seat,
grimacing in pain.

Isn’t it time you rid yourself of the resistant strains of harmful
bacteria… provide your body with the nutrients and good
bacteria they need to force these bad bacteria out…

So that you can continue your life with the activities you love,
have a loving and healthy relationship with your partner
and your family…

allowing you to live life on YOUR terms, and not worrying
that the UTIs will return after finishing yet another course
of antibiotics.